Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hand Painted Needlepoint Canvases

Sorry - due to the Search Engines - and others - hotlinking directly to our images - and proliferating Copyright Infringements - we are removing all large images from these blogspots. Please visit -  JAN VOICH DESIGNS - to view the large images.

Handpainted needlepoint canvases are a luxury for many. Yes - they are more expensive than the silk-screened canvases and other mass-produced techniques -- yet the time required to paint a canvas by hand is extremely long.

The finest canvases use natural pigments finely ground - then mixed with natural adhesives.

Depending on the design - often these canvases are stitch painted - carefully painting each stitch onto the canvases - as seen below.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Needlepoint Canvases

Welcome to Needlepoint Canvases !

We propose to have information for all levels - as seen on this new website. We offer complete guides to the different canvas types as well as how to paint them - the immense selection of fibers and how to stitch them - using charts - painted canvases or - better still - your original design.

Sorry - due to the Search Engines - and others - hotlinking directly to our images - and proliferating Copyright Infringements - we are removing all large images from these blogspots. Please visit -  JAN VOICH DESIGNS - to view the large images.

What sounds like a simple job - is actually quite complex - as this art has evolved from the times of ancient Egypt until the present.

Above - we show you the three types of canvas - Mono Deluxe ( Mono ) - Interlock or Leno - and Penelope.

Visit - Needlepoint Canvases - for complete descriptions - and - thank you for visiting us !!

Needlepoint Canvases